I just realized that it was a little more than 5 years since I wrote about five testing software myths and it was unfortunate that I still saw, heard and find people arguing about some of those myths after half a decade. Even though it’s really dozens of myths floating, this is my opinion on the five most common testing myths that I continue to hear today.
Both blogoshpere, which is called an expert column on various sites, social media discussions, technology industrial journals, or office gossip after casual lunch, these myths are as easy as confiscated to find bugs in half the roast software developed by a beginner programmer ,
So without further ado, here runs 5 Software tests misunderstanding and myth (without a certain order) that interferes with our modern tester today:
1. Testing software is a mediocre job
Oh yeah? On the second mind, there may be some elements of truth for the statement. Tests can indeed be boring and feel like the usual monotonous task if you do it wrong! I have seen people jump into this conclusion (the test is boring) because they see (and believe) testing as ‘repeatedly’ do the same / similar tasks over and over again.
Seeing that logic, programming, web design, analysis, accounting, banking and every daily vital activity such as eating, sleep etc. can also be considered boring if you only see the ‘repetition’ section. Moreover, do you stop eating and sleep because it’s a repetitive task you need to do every day? Or do you change the food menu and your sleep habits when you feel bored?
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But if you really are a good tester, then you might see testing as an information collection activity carried out with the intention of exploring and finding answers [not just lacks or bugs in software] for questions that have never been asked before. To achieve it, you need to learn, explore, observe, analyze, use software to be able to evaluate it. Does it sound boring for you?
If you are tired of testing something, don’t blame your job. Somewhat blaming yourself and changing the way you test, think and design your test ideas and before you know it tests the same software will begin to feel very pleasant, once again.
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2. A tester must be able to test everything
Yes, as my tester can of course test everything provided as project stakeholders you can provide me with resource supply, infrastructure, budget, time and what is not limited!
It is stupid to hope that an examiner (or test team) can test each test scenario, in theory may be in the given time frame and with the resources provided. While a good tester will produce a critical test scenario and prioritize it and test, it is not practical to hypothesize that it is possible to test all these scenarios. Isn’t that the same as expecting ‘testing can provide free 100% bug products?
The reason why this can’t be much – lack of sufficient time, the lack of infrastructure available to test something, the extent of all permutations and combinations that can exist and so on. This is a quality attached to software testing that can show that bugs exist, but not no bugs.
Let’s take a simple example. We all know that the critical system of life such as instruments used in medical facilities, airplanes, spaceships etc. Go through a series of strict testing procedures to ensure there is nothing wrong when operational. However, can testers test flights actually predict and test remember the actual air pressure, height, number of passengers and crew, total load on flight, wind speed, temperature etc., on certain days? Can their simulators simulate an environment and other random day variables that must be taken by flights while in production?
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3. Tester work is finding a bug
I don’t blame you if you don’t see how this is a myth or misunderstanding – many don’t. Easy, especially for someone who recently started his career as a software tester, to be confused about his responsibility as a tester. And many often fall into traps believe that finding many bugs in software is their main goal.
I admit that finding bugs in software is an important part of what the tester must do. But the story doesn’t end there. Along with only finding bugs, testers analyzing requirements, reviewing product architecture, giving ideas to make products more user-friendly, validate help documents and many other things.
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4. Testers add value to the software
People who contain this myth are often done to believe that the role of the tester is very limited and does not add value to the product.
Instead, a skilled tester often becomes a system expert (product) under the test. Unlike programmers who often spend most of the time they work in areas, functions, or application components that are very specific, testers analyze and understand how the whole system works from the point of view to the end. Testers get a better chance to show their understanding of products in a way that adds value to the product.
5. Test automation will eliminate human testers:
This is probably the most outrageous prediction that many of which are called the self-proclarying automation that is proclaimed at this time. Even crazy is the fact that there are actually testers who believe it!
I would say not big. Why this won’t happen, simple. I remember recently when the concept of computer-assisted computer engineering (case) appears and suddenly people start talking how the computer will start writing code and in turn can make obsolete human programmers. But whether it actually happens is the problem of all the people today.
Similarly, test automation will never replace human testers, except, of course, Humanoid automatic bots take over our planet someday. Until that (judgment day) arrived, we human testers could never be spent for very simple reasons. We have something that is not owned by a test automation tool; This is ’emotion’. And because the user of the software we test is almost always human, it is a human tester who will have the advantage of testing this better than any automation tool
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